Friday, 16 October 2015

India. Benefits of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy in Hair Transplant & Hair Restoration Surgery:

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy has been called “the surgeon’s friend’ as it improves outcomes and can attenuate complications. While hyperbaric oxygen therapy is certainly no substitute for sound surgical practice, even, good surgical technique cannot compensate for the physiological deficiencies of a hypoxic, hypovascular environment.

In hair transplantation, Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy reduces ischemia to the tissues there by increases micro circulation, collagen production and enhances the viability of graft after re- implantation. Drastically reduces scarring, scab formation, infection, edema, pain and discomfort after the transplant. 

One of the most spectacular uses of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy in cosmetic surgery and hair transplants: Increases stem cells by 8 folds which is one of a major contributing factor to success rates in hair transplants.

Two to three sessions before the transplant & 4-6 sessions after the transplant are recommended.  Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy reduces patient down time and leaves the patient with pleasant results. 

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy is a natural, safe, drug-free therapy. Hyperbaric Oxygen plays a vital role in rejuvenating the skin and hair for a gorgeous effect. Benefit from the restorative effects of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy !!! 

Ask us for more indications in Aesthetic indications & pricing information.

Bird Medical Devices, Mumbai, India.
Tel: 91-22-65 655 123
Cell: 91-9769 484 123 / 9769 006 123
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